This numbered silkscreen, #47/100, was created by the renowned artist Ikki Matsumoto in the late 1970s. Titled "Oh no! Not Another Condominium," this piece features Matsumoto's iconic and two whimsical sandpipers standing beside a sandcastle condominium. It was recently acquired from a collector's estate in Seattle and driven back across the country by Amy and her son, Christopher. It does appear that the matting has been updated to an acid-free inner mat to protect the artwork. I can not guarantee that the glass in UV though.
Oh no, Not Another Condominium- Vintage Hand-Pulled Silkscreen by Ikki Matsumoto
This is Ikki's daughter, Amy Matsumoto. I have been actively involved in my father's artwork since 1987. I have seeking out vintage Ikki's and restoring them to their original beauty, if possible. If you purchase from me, you can buy with confidence that the artwork is authentic, because I authenticate each piece as I clean them. I will emboss each piece and include a certificate of authenticity and a bio on Ikki.
Image Dimensions: 16" x 16" approx.